
財稅實務 高薪就業(yè) 學歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.20 蘋果版本:8.7.20






來源: www.accaglobal.com 編輯: 2011/01/14 09:11:45 字體:


  Study Guide


  1.The role and responsibility of senior financial executive/advisor

  a)Develop strategies for the achievement of the company's goals in line with its agreed policy framework.[3]

  b)Recommend strategies for the management of the financial resources of the company such that they are utilised in an efficient,effective and transparent way.[3]

  c)Advise the board of directors of the company in setting the financial goals of the business and in its financial policy development[2]with particular reference to:

  i)Investment selection and capital resource allocation

  ii)Minimising the company's cost of capital

  iii)Distribution and retention policy

  iv)Communicating financial policy and corporate goals to internal and external stakeholders

  v)Financial planning and control

  vi)The management of risk.

  2.Financial strategy formulation

  a)Assess corporate performance using methods such as ratios,trends,EVATM and MVA.[3]

  b)Recommend the optimum capital mix and structure within a specified business context and capital asset structure.[3]

  c)Recommend appropriate distribution and retention policy.[3]

  d)Explain the theoretical and practical rationale for the management of risk.[3]

  e)Assess the company's exposure to business and financial risk including operational,reputational,political,economic,regulatory and fiscal risk.[3]

  f)Develop a framework for risk management comparing and contrasting risk mitigation,hedging and diversification strategies,and demonstrate risk diversification through the application of portfolio theory.[3]

  g)Establish capital investment monitoring and risk management systems.[3]

  3.Conflicting stakeholder interests

  a)Assess the potential sources of the conflict within a given corporate governance/ stakeholder framework informed by an understanding of the alternative theories of managerial behaviour.[3]Relevant underpinning theory for this assessment would be:

  i)The Separation of Ownership and Control

  ii)Transaction cost economics and comparative governance structures

  iii)Agency Theory.

  b)Recommend,within specified problem domains,appropriate strategies for the resolution of stakeholder conflict and advise on alternative approaches that may be adopted.[3]

  c)Compare the emerging governance structures and policies with respect to corporate governance(with particular emphasis upon the European stakeholder and the US/UK shareholder model)and with respect to the role of the financial manager.[3]

  4.Ethical issues in financial management

  a)Assess the ethical dimension within business issues and decisions and advise on best practice in the financial management of the company.[3]

  b)Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnectedness of the ethics of good business practice between all of the functional areas of the company.[2]

  c)Establish an ethical financial policy for the financial management of the company which is grounded in good governance,the highest standards of probity and is fully aligned with the ethical principles of the Association.[3]

  d)Recommend an ethical framework for the development of a company's financial policies and a system for the assessment of their ethical impact upon the financial management of the company.[3]

  e)Explore the areas within the ethical framework of the company which may be undermined by agency effects and/or stakeholder conflicts and establish strategies for dealing with them.[3]

  5.Impact of environmental issues on corporate objectives and on governance

  a)Assess the issues which may impact upon corporate objectives and governance from:[3]

  i)Sustainability and environmental risk

  ii)The carbon-trading economy and emissions

  iii)The role of the environment agency

  iv)Environmental audits and the triple bottom line approach.

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