戰(zhàn)略頂點(strategic apex)
中間線(middle line)
操作的核心(operating core)
技術結構(techno structure)
支持人員(support staff)
戰(zhàn)略頂點(STRATEGIC APEX)
This element of the organisation is made up of directors and senior executives. Their role is to interpret or define the mission of the organisation and ensure that its objectives are consistent with this mission. The strategic apex is also responsible for managing the organisation's relationship with the macro-environment.
The operating core carries out the activities necessary to deliver outputs.
This element provides the link between the strategic apex and the operating core. The role is partially one of interpretation, as the work of the operating core has to be consistent with the expectations and plans of the strategic apex. Simple, smaller organisations may not have a middle line at all.
The technostructure is made up of key individuals and teams working in functions such as human resources, training, finance and planning. Mintzberg states that there are several roles here. Analysers decide on the best ways to perform jobs and seek to standardise skills. Planners decide on outputs and define quality requirements.
Support staff work in functions such as research and development, public relations and legal services. Their outputs do not contribute directly to the core purposes of the organisation, but their activities contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the strategic apex, middle line and operating core.
The relative influence of these elements to one another have a significant impact on the nature of the organisation. Mintzberg asserts that each element will have a preferred means of coordination. For example, the strategic apex will attempt to coordinate through direct supervision, and will be especially important in smaller organisations with simpler structures. The middle line seeks to standardise outputs, while the technostructure attempts to standardise work processes. The operating core will try to standardise skills.
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