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企業(yè)需要“道德執(zhí)照”(Companies need "moral license")

來源: 編輯: 2009/05/15 14:20:22  字體:

  That easy prediction has turned out to be wrong. Mars, the world's biggest confectionery company, has announced that its entire cocoa supply will be “produced in a sustainable manner” by 2020. Mars will work largely with the Rainforest Alliance, which encourages farmers to preserve their environment.

  這個簡單的預測已經(jīng)被證明是錯誤的。全球最大的糖果公司瑪氏(Mars)宣布,到2020年前,該公司使用的所有可可豆都將來自以“可持續(xù)的方式生產(chǎn)”的供應源。瑪氏將與雨林聯(lián)盟(Rainforest Alliance)進行大量合作,該組織致力于鼓勵農(nóng)民保護其種植環(huán)境。

  Mars's move follows the announcement last month by Cadbury, the UK confectionery group,that all the cocoa in Dairy Milk, Britain's biggest-selling chocolate,would be certified by Fairtrade, the organisation that works to ensure a minimum price for farmers.

  此前,3月份時英國糖果集團吉百利(Cadbury)宣布稱, 英國最暢銷的巧克力——吉百利牛奶巧克力(Dairy Milk)中采用的所有可可豆將會得到公平貿(mào)易組織的認證。該組織旨在確保農(nóng)民獲得的收購價格有一個最低限制。

  The two chocolate makers were preceded by Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, which told a meeting of 1,000 Chinese suppliers last year that it would hold them to strict environmental and social standards, the downturn notwithstanding.


  Why are these companies acting in a way few expected? First, there are substantial business reasons. When Mars and Cadbury talk about their cocoa supplies being sustainable, they mean it. Chocolate manufacturers are worried about how much cocoa will be available a decade from now.


  Worldwide cocoa production fell in 2008 for the fourth successive year. Cadbury says it is worried about how few cocoa farmers' children intend to go into the business. It is hoping the investment in farms that Fairtrade encourages will persuade them cocoa farming is a worthwhile occupation.


  Wal-Mart also has commercial reasons for its stance. The company has been encouraging companies to cut down on packaging. This enables it to fit more goods into each delivery truck, not only reducing its emissions, but also cutting the amount it spends on petrol. Its insistence that manufacturers produce concentrated laundry detergent has allowed it to save on both packaging and shelf space. Cost-cutting is vital to beating the downturn and if companies can boost their green credentials at the same time, why not?


  But the companies go further. Not only do their announcements make business sense, they say;consumers, even now, insist on them. Fiona Dawson,Mars UK's managing director,says customers expect the company to “do the right thing”,adding that “nobody has to buy confectionery”。

  但這些企業(yè)又更進一步。它們表示,它們所宣布的舉措不僅僅具有商業(yè)意義;此時甚至連消費者也開始堅持要求它們這么做了?,斒嫌止径驴偨?jīng)理菲奧娜·道森(Fiona Dawson)表示,顧客希望公司“做出正確之舉”,并補充說,“沒有人必須得買糖果”。

  There are many things that consumers do not have to buy, and plenty they can buy more cheaply. As the Financial Times has reported, US families earning more than $100,000 a year are using more discount coupons.  


  Yet there is little sign of committed consumers abandoning Fairtrade products. A recent report by Mintel, the research organisation, says: “Although a third of shoppers have cut down on the number of premium foods they buy, only one in 10 has cut back on ethical produce.” Justin King, chief executive of J Sainsbury, the UK retailer, said in February that its Fairtrade sales were holding up well.

  不過,幾乎沒有跡象表明忠誠的消費者會放棄公平貿(mào)易產(chǎn)品。研究機構(gòu)敏特(Mintel)最近發(fā)布的一份報告表示:“盡管三分之一的消費者減少了優(yōu)質(zhì)食品的購買量,但只有十分之一的人減少了良知產(chǎn)品(ethical produce)的購買量。”英國零售商森寶利(J Sainsbury)的首席執(zhí)行官賈斯廷·金(Justin King)在2月份表示,該公司公平貿(mào)易產(chǎn)品的銷售保持良好。

  However, consumer attitudes are complex. Mike Barry, head of corporate social responsibility at rival retailer Marks and Spencer, says consumers are happy to continue to buy what they see as ethically sourced goods – provided they do not have to pay more. M?&?S's research says the number of “green crusaders” – those who buy ethical goods, no matter what, is about 9 per cent of the total, slightly down from the proportion at the start of the recession.

  不過,消費者的態(tài)度是復雜的。森寶利的競爭對手——零售商瑪莎百貨(Marks and Spencer)企業(yè)社會責任部的主管邁克·巴里(Mike Barry)表示,消費者將很樂意繼續(xù)購買他們認為采購渠道符合道德良知的商品——前提是他們無需支付更高的價格?,斏儇浀难芯匡@示,“綠色支持者” ——即無論如何都會購買良知商品的人——在整個消費群體中約占9%,比衰退初期的比例略有下降。

  About a fifth of consumers are uninterested in such issues and about a third cannot see what difference their purchasing makes. But the biggest group, about 40 per cent, are those who are prepared to buy ethical goods if companies make it easy, which generally means not making it expensive.





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