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在華私募新嘗試:國內募資 海外投資(雙語)

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/22 11:54:41  字體:

  For years, private-equity funds have been searching for the best way to invest into China. Now they're looking for ways to get Chinese money out.


  In one of the first moves of its kind, RIT Capital Partners PLC -- an investment firm chaired by Jacob Rothschild -- together with local Chinese investment company Creat Group and investment advisory firm Quercus Ventures at the end of March said they plan to raise $750 million in yuan from domestic Chinese investors to invest in overseas companies.

  作為這項創(chuàng)舉的一個代表,投資公司RIT Capital Partners PLC(主席為雅各布•羅斯柴爾德)攜手國內本土投資公司科瑞集團(Creat Group)和投資顧問公司Quercus Ventures于3月底宣布,三者計劃從國內投資者那里以人民幣募集規(guī)模相當于7.5億美元的資金以投資海外公司。

  Their efforts to raise funds and get deals done will be a test of how easily private equity will be able to regularly use Chinese money in international markets, something that isn't yet assured of success.


  With China growing increasingly wealthy -- and much of the developed world still suffering the effects of the global financial crisis -- fund managers are starting to look toward China as not just an investment destination, but a potential source of funding for deals elsewhere in the world.


  Already China has become a major investor internationally, with firms demonstrating a voracious demand for overseas resources and individuals snapping up real estate around the globe. Much of that gets greenlighted by Beijing because it is in the country's strategic interests, or comes from savings amassed overseas.


  But China still maintains strict capital controls that make it difficult for the yuan to be changed into foreign currency to make a financial investment. Investment in foreign stock markets can be done only through funds that have a quota to convert a certain amount of foreign exchange for the purpose.


  'Regulators like the concept [of outward private equity], particularly when it involves helping Chinese firms go' abroad, says Ying White, a partner at law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP in Beijing. "But there's a lot of issues that need to be worked out."

  美國艾金•崗波律師事務所(Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP)北京分所合伙人張瑩(Ying White)說,監(jiān)管機構喜歡這種對外私募股權投資的概念,特別是當其涉及幫助中國企業(yè)“走出去”的時候。但這同時也有很多相關問題需要解決。

  Ms. White says that China's current system for regulating Chinese purchases abroad is geared toward regulators approving each outward investment deal by deal.


  That is fine for major firms that make only the occasional strategic purchase, but might prove problematic for a private-equity fund looking to make multiple deals a year. And given the often slow pace of approval, requiring the sign-off of multiple government agencies, there is always the risk of missing a window of opportunity for competitive deals.


  So far the early movers are trying to demonstrate that their funds will benefit China's broader interests. J. Rothschild Creat Partners -- the name of the venture between RIT and Creat -- is aiming to invest in foreign firms that have growth opportunities in China, and holds open the potential for Chinese firms to invest alongside them.

  到目前為止,這批先行者正試圖證明,各自的基金有利于中國廣泛的利益。此次RIT Capital Partners PLC和科瑞集團共同成立的私募基金名叫J. Rothschild Creat Partners,其瞄準的對象是在中國有成長機會的海外公司,同時也打開機會的大門,允許中國企業(yè)和該基金一同投資。

  That is a similar approach to A Capital, a European-backed fund involved in arranging China-based Fosun International Ltd.'s stake in resort-chain Club Mediterranee SA of France last year.

  這和歐洲的一家私募股權投資基金A Capital的做法類似。這家基金在去年曾安排中國的復星國際(Fosun International Ltd.)收購度假連鎖集團法國地中海俱樂部(Club Mediterranee SA)的部分股份。

  A Capital has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Beijing municipal government to set up a yuan-denominated fund to invest overseas. The plan is for the fund to sometimes invest alongside firms introduced to it by the Beijing government that are looking to expand abroad. 為了設立一支以人民幣計價的海外投資基金,A Capital同北京市政府簽署了一份理解備忘錄。如果遇到北京市政府介紹的正在尋求海外擴張機會的公司,該基金有時也會和這些公司一起投資。

  For the early movers, such political support is likely to be key. RIT is hoping it has that covered. According to Quercus Chief Financial Officer Maxim Parr, the fund already has support from one of the key regulators, the National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic decision-making body.

  對于先行者來說,上述來自政府的支持可能非常關鍵。RIT也希望能得到類似的支持。Quercus的首席財務長帕爾(Maxim Parr)介紹,該基金已經得到了一個主要監(jiān)管機構──國家發(fā)展和改革委員會(簡稱:發(fā)改委)的支持。發(fā)改委是中國最高的經濟決策機構。

  And Chairman Zheng Yuewen of Creat Group, which has 20 years of experience investing in China, also heads up the China International Chamber of Commerce for the Private Sector, a government-backed industry group geared to helping private Chinese firms expand overseas.


  The fund hopes the chamber's members -- which include high-profile Chinese firms such as Lenovo Group Ltd., Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Shimao Property Holdings Ltd. and Fosun -- will form a base of investors. It hopes to start raising funds in May.


  It will initially focus on technology and clean-tech, the green economy, health care, natural resources, and luxury goods, areas where China has already demonstrated a demand for Western expertise and brands.


我要糾錯】 責任編輯:梓墨



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