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來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/22 11:08:46  字體:

  Automotive officials predicted slower growth in China's market this year, even as big car makers prepared to unveil new models at the Shanghai auto show─an event that will highlight the country's importance to the global industry.


  Speaking at a forum Monday, a day ahead of the Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition, a senior government official warned that auto makers in the world's largest car market risk being left with excess capacity if they don't adjust to slower sales growth.

   Bloomberg News在周一舉行的上海汽車展開幕前,人們在觀看一輛全新設(shè)計的大眾甲克蟲。上海國際汽車工業(yè)展覽會(Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition)開幕前一天,中國政府一位高官周一在論壇上講話時提醒說,中國這個世界上最大的汽車市場銷售增速將減緩,如果汽車制造商不能適應(yīng)這一局面,可能會面臨生產(chǎn)能力過剩的風(fēng)險。

  "We haven't seen overcapacity in China's auto market in the past few years, but if auto makers keep output growth at the current pace, China's auto market will see overcapacity sooner or later," said Su Bo, deputy industry and technology minister.


  China's annual auto shows─which alternate between Beijing and Shanghai─have become a major event for the industry, as China overtook the U.S. in 2009 to become the world's biggest car market. But a sales slowdown in China is presenting new challenges for auto makers, who are adopting different strategies to cope.


  Car sales in China rose 8.8% from a year earlier in the first quarter to 4.98 million vehicles, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, sharply lower than the growth of 71.8% recorded in the first quarter of 2010.

  據(jù)中國汽車工業(yè)協(xié)會(China Association of Automobile Manufacturers)的統(tǒng)計,今年一季度中國汽車銷量同比增8.8%,至498萬輛,遠遠低于2010年一季度71.8%的增速。

  Foreign auto makers differ in their response to the slowdown. Some, such as General Motors Co. of the U.S., are coming up with low-cost China-only brands to appeal to middle-class buyers.

  外國汽車制造商對中國汽車銷售減速持不同看法。美國通用汽車公司(General Motors Co.)等一些汽車制造商為吸引為中產(chǎn)階級,正在推出只面向中國市場的低成本汽車品牌。

  GM plans to unveil at the Shanghai show the first car produced under the company's new China-only brand, Baojun. Made with local joint-venture partners Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. and Liuzhou Wuling Motors Co., the car "will address the growing demand across the country for affordable personal transportation," GM China President Kevin Wale said in a written statement.

   通用汽車計劃在上海車展上推出中國市場專有品牌寶駿(Baojun)的首款車型。這款汽車由通用汽車與中國合資企業(yè)伙伴上海汽車工業(yè)(集團)總公司(Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp.)和柳州五菱汽車有限責(zé)任公司(Liuzhou Wuling Motors Co.)共同生產(chǎn)。通用汽車中國公司總裁甘文維(Kevin Wale)在一份書面聲明中說,寶駿汽車將滿足中國人不斷增長的對負擔(dān)得起的個人交通工具的需求。

  GM's China auto sales rose 10% from a year earlier in the first quarter, about one-third as fast as they rose in the year-earlier quarter. Still, GM also said Monday that it expects to double its sales in China to about five million vehicles by 2015 from about 2.35 million in 2010─in part by introducing more than 60 new models and major product upgrades in the country.


  Luxury car makers such as Daimler AG of Germany say they believe any challenges that are facing the mass market don't apply to China's new rich. China sales of Daimler's Mercedes-Benz vehicles surged 86% in the first quarter, although the brand's total number of cars sold was a small fraction of GM's.

   德國戴姆勒公司(Daimler AG)等豪華汽車制造商說,他們認為中國市場面臨的任何挑戰(zhàn)都不適用于中國的新富階層。戴姆勒公司旗下的梅賽德斯——奔馳(Mercedes-Benz)汽車在中國市場上今年一季度的銷量猛增86%,不過這一品牌售出的汽車總量只相當(dāng)于通用銷量的很小一部分。

  Daimler's Northeast Asia chairman, Ulrich Walker, said last week he expects China sales of Mercedes-Benz cars to rise 20% this year. Premium-car sales haven't been affected as much by the slowdown as small-car sales, Mr. Walker said.

   戴姆勒東北亞地區(qū)董事長華立新(Ulrich Walker)上周說,他預(yù)計中國市場梅賽德斯-奔馳的銷量今年將上升20%,豪華汽車銷量受中國汽車市場整體銷售減速的影響并不像小型汽車那么大。

  The Shanghai auto show will also be overshadowed by questions about the impact of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, as well as a continuing nuclear-power crisis, on Japan's big car companies.


  Despite domestic production problems, Honda Motor Co., Nissan Motor Co., and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. all said their chief executives plan to attend the Shanghai show. Toyota Motor Corp. said it will monitor its quake-disrupted domestic operations before deciding whether President Akio Toyoda will attend.

  雖然國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)有問題,本田汽車(Honda Motor Co.)、日產(chǎn)汽車(Nissan Motor Co.)和三菱汽車(Mitsubishi Motors Corp.)說,它們的首席執(zhí)行長都計劃參加上海車展。豐田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)說,它將在監(jiān)測受地震中斷的國內(nèi)運營之后,再決定總裁豐田章男(Akio Toyoda)是否出席。

  Honda CEO Takanobu Ito's planned attendance at Shanghai was initially canceled after last month's disaster, a Honda spokeswoman said. 'But eventually we concluded he should go' given China's growing importance as a growth driver for Honda, she said.

  本田一位發(fā)言人說,上個月災(zāi)難發(fā)生后,公司先是取消了CEO伊東孝紳(Takanobu Ito)出席上海車展的計劃。但她說,考慮到中國作為本田增長助推器越來越重要的地位,最后我們認為他應(yīng)當(dāng)前往。

  Nissan decided to attend the event because the company's foreign rivals, which are less troubled by the disruption in Japan-made parts procurement, are set to unveil a series of new concept cars to entice local customers at the show, a Nissan spokesman said.


  The broad market slowdown in China has been driven by several factors, including higher oil prices, restrictions on car purchases in cities such as Beijing to alleviate traffic conditions, and the expiration of tax incentives for the purchases of smaller cars, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

  中國汽車工業(yè)協(xié)會(China Association of Automobile Manufacturers)說,中國汽車市場的整體放緩是受到了多種因素的影響,其中包括油價升高、北京等城市限制汽車購買以緩解交通狀況,以及購買小排量汽車的稅收優(yōu)惠措施到期等。

  The association has forecast that car sales will rise in a range of 10% to 15% this year. But at a briefing earlier this month, the group expressed concern that growth may fall behind even those relatively modest estimates. Total sales rose 32% last year to 18.1 million vehicles, following growth of 46% in 2009.


  Zeng Qinghong, vice chairman of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., said he believes China's auto market can post sales growth of at least 10% this year, as auto sales usually rebound from May.

  廣州汽車工業(yè)集團有限公司(Guangzhou Automobile Group Co.)副董事長曾慶洪說,他相信今年中國市場銷售增長率至少可以達到10%,因為汽車銷量常常從5月份開始反彈。

  Others were less optimistic. Joe Hinrichs, president of Ford Motor Co.'s Asian-Pacific and Africa operations, said he expects China's overall auto sales to rise in a range of 5% to 10% this year, a pace that he described as "more rational" than in previous years.

  其他人沒有這么樂觀。福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Co.)亞太與非洲區(qū)總裁辛瑞奇(Joe Hinrichs)說,他預(yù)計今年中國市場汽車總銷量增長幅度在5%到10%,他說,這樣的增速相比前幾年“更加理性”。

  The automobile manufacturers association has argued that the auto industry is a "pillar industry" for China, and that some of the small-car tax subsidies that have expired will likely be restored if auto-sales growth falls behind economic growth, which is generally expected to be about 9.5% this year.


  Mr. Su, the vice minister, said the "unsustainable sales surge" of 2009 and 2010 isn't likely to be maintained. But he also emphasized that the industry has strong long-term prospects.


  "China still has big potential for a long-term sales growth, and China will be the largest auto market for a long time," Mr. Su said, citing the pickup in demand in rural areas and China's second- and third-tier cities. China has only 58 cars per 1,000 people currently, he added, showing vast room for further growth.


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