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人民幣匯率創(chuàng)新高 美國仍不滿意(雙語)

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/25 10:22:09  字體:

  Right on cue. With president Hu Jintao due to visit Washington next week and Beijng under pressure over currencies, the renminbi has risen to its highest level against the US dollar since Beijing officially de-pegged the currency last June.


  But even though this takes the Chinese currency below the symbolically important level of 6.6 to the US$, Washington won’t be much impressed. In the six months since last June, the Chinese currency is up only 3.53 per cent. That will hardly transform the world’s trade imbalances.


  The People’s Bank of China set Thursday’s mid-point rate – a daily reference rate around which the yuan can rise or fall 0.5 per cent – for the renminbi at 6.5997.


  President Barack Obama has upped the ante by granting Hu Jintao an “official state visit” – a full black-tie fanfare, something which former president George W Bush denied China’s head (in 2006 Hu was simply granted an “official visit”).

  美國總統(tǒng)巴拉克?奧巴馬(Barack Obama)對胡錦濤的訪問給予了“國事訪問”的規(guī)格,為完全正式的外交禮遇。而前總統(tǒng)喬治?W?布什(George W Bush)并未給中國元首如此待遇(2006年胡錦濤訪美時規(guī)格為“正式訪問”)。

  It looks like a honour to his Chinese guest. But nothing in diplomacy comes without strings attached. And on this occasion, Obama will be looking to be repaid in (appreciating) renminbi.


  But China has already signalled that it won’t move quickly. As the world’s largest dollar investor, it hardly wants a rapid decline in the greenback – and is seeking reassurance from the US that the value of its dollar-denominated investments.


  Chinese vice-foreign minister Cui Tiankai was quoted by state media as saying : "Regarding the security of China’s assets in the US, if the US side can offer a positive statement on that then of course we’d welcome that. It’s an issue we’re paying attention to."


  But for US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who announced his list of topics for discussion on Wednesday, the yuan is the biggest concern. He wants it to rise “more rapidly”. He said: "China’s rise offers us the opportunity of dramatic growth in demand for things Americans create and produce… But it will also force us to raise our game."

  但對于美國財長蒂姆?蓋特納(Timothy Geithner)而言,人民幣仍是最大的問題。周三蓋特納公布了自己的會談議題清單。他希望人民幣能“更快”升值,他說:“中國提高人民幣匯率,能夠顯著提高對美國創(chuàng)造和生產(chǎn)的商品的需求……但也會迫使我們在更高層面上競爭。”

我要糾錯】 責任編輯:梓墨

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