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來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/26 13:35:04  字體:

  Gold continued its upward march in a time of global financial tumult, closing above $1,500 an ounce Thursday for the first time as investors seek safe haven in the metal.


  In a remarkable performance for any sort of asset, gold has notched a record high every day this week─on days when investors were alternately gloomy and optimistic. On Monday, as stocks swooned after Standard & Poor's warned about the credit rating of the U.S., gold reached a new high. It kept rising on Tuesday and again on Wednesday, as stocks soared on impressive corporate earnings.

  Getty Images由于一時(shí)間過(guò)多投資者涌入金市,行情迅速逆轉(zhuǎn)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)變得越來(lái)越大。同股市和債市相比,黃金市場(chǎng)盡管頗受歡迎,但規(guī)模相對(duì)較小,更容易受投資者情緒波動(dòng)的影響。本周,黃金每天都會(huì)創(chuàng)下新高,對(duì)于任何資產(chǎn)來(lái)說(shuō)都可謂表現(xiàn)不凡,而投資者情緒在本周卻是悲觀與樂(lè)觀交替出現(xiàn)。周一,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普爾(Standard & Poor's)對(duì)美國(guó)信貸評(píng)級(jí)提出警告,股市大跌,金價(jià)創(chuàng)出新高。而隨著上市公司財(cái)報(bào)喜人,美國(guó)股市大漲,金價(jià)也在周二和周三持續(xù)上揚(yáng)。

  On Thursday, gold rose $4.90 an ounce to $1,503.20, another nominal record high and its first settlement above $1,500. Gold is up for five straight weeks, and has gained 5.8% so far this year. Gold will not trade in the U.S. today, Good Friday.

  周四,黃金上漲4.90美元,至每盎司1,503.20美元,再創(chuàng)名義價(jià)格的新高,收盤(pán)價(jià)首次升穿1,500美元。金價(jià)連續(xù)五周上漲,今年截至目前已累計(jì)上漲5.8%。復(fù)活節(jié)前的周五是耶穌受難日(Good Friday),美國(guó)市場(chǎng)將因此休市一天。

  The reason for gold's ability to do well in any market lies in its recent role as a haven from concerns about the dollar, inflation and shocks in Europe, the Middle East and Japan.


  "Gold has more than one hat right now," said Adam Klopfenstein, senior market strategist at Lind-Waldock, a division of MF Global. "What people are seeing around the globe is that there's really nowhere to hide right now. When one camp cools down on buying gold, you are seeing another camp come in."

  全球曼氏金融(MF Global)旗下Lind-Waldock的資深市場(chǎng)策略師克洛普費(fèi)恩斯坦(Adam Klopfenstein)說(shuō),黃金現(xiàn)在扮演的角色不只一個(gè),人們放眼全世界,發(fā)現(xiàn)實(shí)在沒(méi)有可以避險(xiǎn)的地方了,所以對(duì)于黃金的買(mǎi)入總是此消彼長(zhǎng)。

  Gold's rise is a broader reflection of a lack of confidence in governments' abilities to sort out fiscal problems.


  Investors are concerned not only about the value of the U.S. dollar, a worry accentuated by S&P's decision to downgrade the U.S. debt outlook. They also are concerned about the outlook for the euro, as the sovereign debt crisis in Europe worsens, and the yen, which faces hurdles as the Japanese economy recovers from its recent earthquake and tsunami.


  Gold is seen as a lasting store of value, which doesn't erode like that of currencies.


  "If you have two major currencies looking a little bit wobbly, some investors and speculators put their money into gold," said Barry M. Wainstein, Global Head of Foreign Exchange & Precious Metals at Scotia Capital, a subsidiary of Bank of Nova Scotia.

  加拿大豐業(yè)銀行(Bank of Nova Scotia)旗下Scotia Capital的外匯及貴金屬業(yè)務(wù)全球主管溫斯坦(Barry M. Wainstein)說(shuō),如果兩種主要貨幣的匯率看似有點(diǎn)不穩(wěn),一些投資者和投機(jī)者就會(huì)把手里的錢(qián)換成黃金。

  Some currency traders have sold their positions and bought physical gold recently, he said. As the metal barrels higher, investors of all stripes are jumping in. And buyers are increasingly taking possession of gold, instead of trading futures contracts.


  Everyone from university endowments to small individual investors has been buying bars and coins. Operators of storage vaults are scrambling to find more space to shelter the bullion, and are stepping up hiring to deal with the extra work load.


  The metal has rallied despite the interest-rate hikes by the European Central Bank and the People's Bank of China in early April. A higher interest rate means a higher return on cash, and typically is negative for gold, which yields nothing. However, gold investors took the rate increases in stride.

  盡管歐洲央行(European Central Bank)和中國(guó)央行在4月初分別加了息,但金價(jià)的升勢(shì)卻并未打住。加息意味著現(xiàn)金回報(bào)率上升,對(duì)黃金一般來(lái)說(shuō)是利空消息,不會(huì)給黃金投資帶來(lái)任何收益。然而這次,黃金投資者卻對(duì)加息表現(xiàn)得氣定神閑。

  Gold has scaled new heights in all currencies. In dollars, gold rose 1.2% this week, in euro terms it rose 0.9%, and in pounds it is up 0.5%.


  John Hummel, chief investment officer with AIS Futures Management LLC, which oversees $500 million in assets, said he is "extremely bullish on gold." About 80% of AIS's $125 million Tactical Asset Allocation Portfolio is in gold.

  打理著5億美元資產(chǎn)的期貨管理公司AIS Futures Management LLC首席投資長(zhǎng)赫梅爾(John Hummel)說(shuō),他對(duì)黃金極為看好,并說(shuō)該公司價(jià)值1.25億美元的策略性資產(chǎn)配置組合(Tactical Asset Allocation Portfolio)中,有約80%投資的都是黃金。

  His primary argument: Central banks and private investors are increasingly turning to gold as an alternative store of value as paper currencies continue to fall. As of the end of March, central banks around the world held 27,219.8 metric tons of gold, or 11.3% of their total reserve holdings, according to the World Gold Council. The rest is held in the form of reserve currencies such as the U.S. dollar.

  他的主要論點(diǎn)是:隨著紙幣幣值繼續(xù)下跌,各國(guó)央行和私人投資者正日益轉(zhuǎn)向黃金作為價(jià)值儲(chǔ)藏的替代方式。世界黃金協(xié)會(huì)(World Gold Council)數(shù)據(jù)顯示,截至3月底,全球各國(guó)央行共計(jì)持有27,219.8公噸的黃金,占其總外匯儲(chǔ)備的11.3%。其余部分是以美元等儲(chǔ)備貨幣的形式持有的。

  "At some point, foreign holders will refuse to accept greater amounts of U.S. debt or the dollar as reserve currency," Mr. Hummel said in a note to investors.


  Some people are concerned by the fact that gold is on everyone's buy list.


  The greater risk for gold at this stage is not higher interest rates, but growth and stability, said Daniel Brebner, head of metals research for Deutsche Bank in London.

  德意志銀行駐倫敦的金屬研究部主管布雷布納(Daniel Brebner)說(shuō),目前這個(gè)階段黃金面臨的更大風(fēng)險(xiǎn)不是利率走高,而是經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)和形勢(shì)穩(wěn)定。

  Gold could lose allure if investors conclude that the world has returned to a benign investment environment, where growth is sustainable without extraordinary government support. If that happens, he said, "the reasons for investors moving into gold start to reverse."


  Because so many have piled into the market so quickly, the risk of a swift reversal becomes ever greater. The gold market, while popular, is relatively small compared to stocks and bonds, making it more sensitive to sentiment swings.


  Demand in India, the largest consumer of gold, is likely to fade once its festival season ends with the arrival of the monsoons in June, said Jeffrey Rhodes, global head of precious metals at INTL Commodities, a commodities broker.

  大宗商品經(jīng)紀(jì)商INTL Commodities全球貴金屬業(yè)務(wù)負(fù)責(zé)人羅茲(Jeffrey Rhodes)說(shuō),一旦節(jié)日季結(jié)束、6月的雨季到來(lái),全球最大的黃金消費(fèi)國(guó)印度的需求有可能降低。

  Mr. Rhodes still thinks gold will move higher later this year. And some say gold has much further to rise. GFMS Ltd., a London-based metals consultancy, predicts gold will reach $1,600 an ounce before the end of this year.

  羅茲仍然認(rèn)為今年下半年金價(jià)將進(jìn)一步走高,也有人說(shuō)黃金還有很大的上漲空間。總部位于倫敦的金屬顧問(wèn)公司GFMS Ltd.預(yù)計(jì)年底前金價(jià)將達(dá)到1,600美元一盎司。

  The University of Texas Investment Management Company recently converted all its gold futures holdings into physical bullion, worth about $1 billion.

  美國(guó)德克薩斯大學(xué)投資管理公司(University of Texas Investment Management Company)最近將持有的全部黃金期貨轉(zhuǎn)換成了實(shí)物黃金,價(jià)值大約10億美元。

  "It's a very conservative hedge" against some low-probability scenarios, such as the debasement of a major currency, said Bruce Zimmerman, chief executive officer of the $26.6-billion fund. The Texas fund has 20.7 tons of gold stored in a New York vault.

  該公司首席執(zhí)行長(zhǎng)齊默爾曼(Bruce Zimmerman)說(shuō),這是針對(duì)主要貨幣貶值等小概率事件做出的非常保守的對(duì)沖。德克薩斯大學(xué)的這家投資管理公司的資金規(guī)模為266億美元,在紐約的一座保險(xiǎn)庫(kù)里存有20.7噸黃金。

  In 2010, total physical bullion investment soared 66% to 880 metric tons, says GFMS, and the trend looks set to be repeated this year.


  "These are long-term holdings," said Adrian Ash, head of research at BullionVault, an online service for private investors to trade precious metals. Physical holdings are farther from the financial markets and less prone to short-term sell-offs.

  BullionVault 研究部負(fù)責(zé)人阿什(Adrian Ash)說(shuō),這些(實(shí)物黃金)都是長(zhǎng)期持有的。長(zhǎng)期持有的實(shí)物黃金在金融市場(chǎng)上并不活躍,很少出現(xiàn)短期拋售的現(xiàn)象。BullionVault為私人投資者交易貴金屬提供在線服務(wù)。

  In Oklahoma City, bullion dealer American Precious Metals Exchange has seen a surge of orders for gold bars and coins. In the past year, the company has doubled its work force and tripled its phone connections, said Michael Haynes, chief executive officer. To warehouse more gold, it had to double its vaulting space located underground in a former Federal Reserve building in downtown Oklahoma City in November.

  在俄克拉荷馬城,黃金交易機(jī)構(gòu)美國(guó)貴金屬交易所(American Precious Metals Exchange)購(gòu)買(mǎi)金條和金幣的訂單激增。據(jù)該交易所首席執(zhí)行長(zhǎng)海恩斯(Michael Haynes)介紹,在過(guò)去的一年,該所增加了一倍人手,電話數(shù)量是原來(lái)的三倍。為了裝下更多的黃金,去年11月該交易所將位于俄克拉荷馬下城的前地區(qū)聯(lián)儲(chǔ)大樓下的金庫(kù)擴(kuò)大了一倍。

  "All of those people that missed out buying gold...are kind of re-energized and jumping in," said Robert Higgins, chief executive of First State Depository LLC, a Wilmington, Delaware-based storage operator. He has hired three people in the past six weeks and is considering starting a night shift to handle all the inquiries.

  位于特拉華州威爾明頓(Wilmington)專(zhuān)門(mén)提供貴金屬存儲(chǔ)空間的First State Depository LLC 的首席執(zhí)行長(zhǎng)希金斯(Robert Higgins)說(shuō),所有那些錯(cuò)過(guò)買(mǎi)入黃金的人現(xiàn)在又激動(dòng)地躍躍欲試。過(guò)去六周里希金斯招聘了三個(gè)人,目前他正考慮是否要開(kāi)始增加夜班以處理所有的咨詢。

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