
財稅實務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.20 蘋果版本:8.7.20






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/26 14:21:21  字體:

“Money can’t buy you happiness, but it does bring a more pleasant form of misery,” comic Spike Milligan’s famous one-liner looks like a neat description for "communism with Chinese characteristics."

  “金錢買不到幸福,但確實帶來了一種更令人愉悅的痛苦形式”——喜劇演員斯派克·米利根(Spike Milligan)這句著名的俏皮話,看上去就像是對“具有中國特色的共產(chǎn)主義”的簡潔描述。

  Despite soaring growth, surging wages, and a general feeling that China is "on the up", the latest Gallup Wellbeing Survey suggests that most Chinese people are down in the dumps.

  盡管中國經(jīng)濟(jì)飛速發(fā)展,薪資大幅增長,人們普遍感覺中國“正在崛起”,但最新的蓋洛普健康調(diào)查(Gallup Wellbeing Survey)表明,大多數(shù)中國人情緒都很低落。

  The poll – which covers 124 countries across the globe – puts people into three categories based on how they would describe their lives. The options are "thriving", "struggling", and "suffering".


  Despite being the world’s fastest growing major economy – and the envy of stumbling economies in Europe and the US – China’s figures aren’t happy reading: Thriving: 12 percent. Struggling: 71 percent. Suffering: 17 percent.


  To put that better into context, at 12 percent ‘thriving’, China is on a par with both Afghanistan and Yemen (though the survey was done in 2010, before recent unrest).


  At 71 percent "struggling", China sits in similar territory to Haiti, Azerbaijan and Nepal.


  Meanwhile the "suffering" 17 percent is a higher figure than Sudan, the Palestinian Territories, and Iraq.


  The findings also match other recent surveys, such as one from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in December, which showed that the majority of China’s growing middle class in unhappy with life. Back then, the China Daily pointed to the rigours of modern life, the "rat race", fears about job security, meeting mortgage repayments, and increasing materialism as some of the causes of melancholy.

  上述結(jié)果與最近的其它一些調(diào)查結(jié)果相符。比如,中國社會科學(xué)院(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)去年12月的一項調(diào)查顯示,在中國不斷壯大的中產(chǎn)階級當(dāng)中,絕大多數(shù)人對生活并不滿意。當(dāng)時,《中國日報》(China Daily)指出,人們情緒低落的部分原因在于:現(xiàn)代生活的嚴(yán)酷、競爭激烈、擔(dān)心失業(yè)、償貸壓力和日益增長的物質(zhì)主義。

  The increasing divide between rich and poor may also be a factor. The gini-coefficient – a measure of inequality – has been rising in China in recent years, the China Daily reports, and is already worryingly high. "China’s Gini coefficient, an indicator of inequality, is approaching 0.5. Throughout the world, a commonly recognized 'red line', or point where society should start to be worried, is 0.4, while 0 represents an equal distribution of national wealth."

  貧富差距日益擴大可能也是一個因素?!吨袊請蟆穲蟮婪Q,中國的基尼系數(shù)(Gini coefficient)最近幾年一直在上升,目前已經(jīng)高得令人擔(dān)憂?;嵯禂?shù)是一種衡量收入公平程度的指標(biāo)。 “中國的基尼系數(shù)正在逼近0.5——基尼系數(shù)是衡量國民財富分配公平程度的指標(biāo),全球范圍內(nèi)認(rèn)可的這個指數(shù)的‘紅線’是0.4,系數(shù)為0時,意味著國民財富能夠公平分配。”

  Just last week, new rules on outdoor advertising came into effect in Beijing. As AFP reported at the announcement of the effective ban on high-end bill boards: 'China’s capital has banned outdoor advertising that promotes hedonistic or high-end lifestyles as the government seeks to ease public concerns about the country’s widening wealth gap… Such promotions help create a politically “unhealthy” climate, it said…" Newly forbidden words include 'supreme', 'royal', 'luxury' or 'high class', which are widely used in Chinese promotions for houses, vehicles and wines, it said."


  With sales booming at high-end retailers like Burberry, better forms of misery – and retail therapy solutions – are certainly on offer in China. But only for those that can afford it.


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