
財稅實務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.20 蘋果版本:8.7.20






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/04 15:50:42  字體:

  Former Taiwan president Lee Teng-hui, the island's first directly elected leader, was indicted Thursday on charges that he and a former economic adviser embezzled funds from Taiwan's National Security Bureau from 1994 to 1999.


  The 88-year-old Mr. Lee, widely viewed as the father of democracy in Taiwan, and adviser Liu Tai-ying were accused of having used a fund that conducts secret diplomatic activities to embezzle US$7.8 million.


  The charges come just seven months ahead of the next presidential election, and analysts say they will have a strong impact on a recent thaw in economic relations with China.


  In a statement, the Taiwan Supreme Prosecutors Office said Mr. Lee used the funds to set up a private think tank called Taiwan Research Institute. Prosecutors have been investigating Mr. Lee since 2002, when a media leak alleged embezzlement within the National Security Bureau, according to the 23-page indictment. Mr. Lee has repeatedly denied charges of embezzlement.

  在一份聲明中,臺灣最高法院檢察署說,李登輝利用這筆資金建立了一個名叫臺灣綜合研究院(Taiwan Research Institute)的私人智庫。據(jù)一份長達23頁的起訴書顯示,自2002年以來檢察官就一直在調(diào)查李登輝。當(dāng)時一份經(jīng)由媒體曝光的資料顯示李登輝涉嫌侵占挪用國家安全局內(nèi)部公款。李登輝多次否認侵占公款的指控。

  Responding to the indictment, Mr. Lee's attorney, Wellington Koo, said Mr. Lee was questioned by the prosecutor May 31 but that there was insufficient evidence to charge him with the crime.

  李登輝的辯護律師顧立雄(Wellington Koo)在回應(yīng)起訴書時說,李登輝5月31日已經(jīng)受到檢察官的質(zhì)詢,但檢察官證據(jù)不足,無法對李登輝提出相關(guān)指控。

  "Furthermore, the prosecutor never gave the defendant a chance to argue his case before the indictment was handed down. The rights of the defendant were completely ignored," said Mr. Koo, who also defended former President Chen Shui-bian against corruption charges.


  Mr. Chen, who succeeded Mr. Lee as president in 2000 and served two four-year terms, is in prison after being convicted on a range of corruption charges in 2009.


  The prosecutor said a sentence for the crimes, if Mr. Lee is convicted, could range from 10 years to life, but noted that due to Mr. Lee's advanced age, any sentencing would likely be lenient.


  Mr. Lee, the first Taiwanese president born on the island, is widely credited with ushering Taiwan into democracy after years of autocratic rule by Chiang Kai-shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo. Mr. Lee succeeded Chiang Ching-kuo as president of Taiwan in 1988 and in 1996 became the island's first directly elected president.


  Forced out of the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang, after stepping down from office in 2000 and setting up his own pro-independence party known as the Taiwan Solidarity Union, Mr. Lee has remained a powerful political figure in Taiwan and is a supporter of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party.


  Taiwan Solidarity Union Chairman and close confidant to Mr. Lee, Huang Kun-huei, accused President Ma Ying-jeou of using his influence to sway the prosecutors, calling it a 'dirty trick' by Mr. Ma.


  "This is Ma's way of getting revenge against former president Lee, who has urged voters to vote against him to safeguard Taiwan. Ma knows Lee's rallying cry could greatly impact voter sentiment before the presidential election," said Mr. Huang.


  The election is scheduled for Jan. 14, and will pit Mr. Ma against DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen.


  A spokesman for the Presidential Office said the office would issue a statement later.


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