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駱家輝赴京履任 尋求消除北京疑慮(雙語)

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/08/16 08:47:09  字體:

  In his first public appearance as the new U.S. ambassador to China, Gary Locke sought to reassure Beijing that its dollar assets are safe and that Washington is committed to “getting our fiscal house in order.”

  駱家輝(Gary Locke)在首次以美國新任駐華大使身份公開露面時(shí)試圖安撫北京,他說中國的美元資產(chǎn)是安全的,華盛頓致力于整頓自己的財(cái)政。

  Mr. Locke, a 61-year-old former U.S. commerce secretary who is the first Chinese-American to take over the Beijing embassy, also called for China and the U.S. to join forces to solve some of the world's most pressing problems.


  “We note that over the last several days more people are buying U.S. Treasurys,” Mr. Locke, flanked by his wife and three children, told reporters in front of the ambassador's residence in Beijing.


  “So it's a clear indication that investment in the United States is safe, secure and that the economy, while having its challenges, is still strong.”


  China is the U.S.'s biggest foreign creditor, and Chinese state media have accused Washington of fiscal recklessness since Standard & Poor's cut its credit rating for long-term U.S. debt in early August.

  中國是美國最大的債權(quán)國。自八月初標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普爾(Standard & Poor's)下調(diào)美國長期債務(wù)的信用評(píng)級(jí)以來,中國國有媒體一直指責(zé)華盛頓對(duì)自己的財(cái)政缺乏約束。

  Broader relations have stabilized since a series of disputes last year over issues including U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, China's human-rights record, and U.S. demands that Beijing allow the Chinese currency, the renminbi, to appreciate.


  But tensions have risen again in recent weeks over questions including China's territorial claims in the South China Sea and Beijing's development of new weaponry, including an aircraft carrier that ended its first sea trials Sunday.


  Mr. Locke's first major task will be to oversee a visit by Vice President Joe Biden, who arrives in Beijing on Wednesday for talks with Chinese leaders, including Vice President Xi Jinping. Mr. Xi is expected to take over as Communist Party chief next year and as president in 2013.

  駱家輝履職后的首個(gè)重大任務(wù)將是安排、協(xié)調(diào)好美國副總統(tǒng)拜登(Joe Biden)周三開始的訪華。訪問期間,拜登將會(huì)晤包括國家副主席習(xí)近平在內(nèi)的中國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人。習(xí)近平預(yù)計(jì)明年將接任中共中央總書記一職,2013年將就任國家主席。

  The Beijing ambassadorship is one of the highest-profile U.S. diplomatic posts. Mr. Locke succeeds Jon Huntsman, who was popular in China because of his Chinese language skills and media-friendly manner but who left Beijing in April to seek the Republican presidential nomination.

  駐華大使是美國最顯要的外交職位之一。駱家輝的前任洪博培(Jon Huntsman)因其漢語水平和對(duì)媒體的友好態(tài)度而在中國很受歡迎,但洪博培4月份離開北京,以角逐共和黨總統(tǒng)候選人提名。

  Like Mr. Huntsman, Mr. Locke had many dealings with China in his previous roles, most importantly over the past two years as commerce secretary, when he handled regular conflicts with Beijing over trade and currency. Mr. Locke doesn't speak Mandarin, however.


  As ambassador, he has pledged to continue pressing Beijing to allow the renminbi to appreciate further, to crack down on piracy of American products, and to open the Chinese market to more U.S. goods and services.


  In his debut appearance in China, however, he sought to gloss over such differences. “Certainly there are many challenges facing both China and America,” he said. “But if our people, our businesspeople, our scientists, our students can really join together, we can solve not just the challenges and problems facing each of our countries, we can actually solve many of the problems facing the entire world.”


  Mr. Locke's appointment has generated considerable interest in China because of his Chinese ancestry: He was born in Washington state to parents who had both emigrated from China.


  Even before arriving in Beijing, Mr. Locke caused a minor sensation when pictures were widely circulated online of him trying to buy a cup of coffee with a coupon at the Seattle airport. Netizens praised him for carrying his own bags and for not being surrounded by security guards.


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