
財稅實務 高薪就業(yè) 學歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.20 蘋果版本:8.7.20






來源: 華爾街日報 編輯: 2011/03/02 09:29:29  字體:


  提康德羅加證券(Ticonderoga Securities)的分析師懷特(Brian White)在周一寫道“此前我們曾表示相信在和Verizon的合作協(xié)議敲定之后不久中國電信(China Telecom)就會成為經(jīng)營iPhone的運營商。中國電信的CDMA網(wǎng)絡(luò)有8800萬用戶,其規(guī)模幾乎和Verizon一樣大。”

  據(jù)《華爾街日報》記者弗萊徹(Owen Fletcher)去年9月的報道,中國聯(lián)通(China Unicom)(香港)有限公司是目前中國內(nèi)地唯一銷售iPhone的電信運營商。iPhone 4在去年美國首發(fā)三個月之后登陸中國市場,好幾個國家是從去年6月下旬開始發(fā)售的。相比之下,此前iPhone 3GS的美國首發(fā)和中國的行貨銷售時間有28個月的時差。

  據(jù)設(shè)在北京的網(wǎng)絡(luò)咨詢公司易觀國際(Analysys International)透露,去年三季度蘋果手機的市場占有率為5.9%,是中國第五大智能手機供應商。但iPhone 4很可能提升蘋果公司四季度的銷售額。 而諾基亞(Nokia)在三季度則以23.5%的市場占有率排名第一。

  據(jù)去年6月《華爾街日報》記者Loretta Chao的報道,在由于監(jiān)管原因而導致長時間的拖延后,中國的三大國有電信運營商中國移動(China Mobile)、中國聯(lián)通和中國電信的3G用戶數(shù)量開始增加。據(jù)官方數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計,截至2010年4月,中國共有7.865億手機用戶,數(shù)量為全球之最。

  The Apple rumor mill will not be silenced by the mere appearance of an actual announcement on the next step for the hot-selling Apple iPhone in the states.

  Ticonderoga Securities analyst Brian White writes Monday “in the past, we have indicated that we believe China Telecom is likely to carry the iPhone shortly after a deal is struck with Verizon. With 88 million wireless subscribers on its CDMA network, China Telecom is nearly the size of Verizon.”

  China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd. is currently only network operator in China to offer the iPhone, The Wall Street Journal’s Owen Fletcher reported back in September. The iPhone 4 went on sale in China about three months after its introduction in the U.S. and several other countries in late June. That compares with a lag of 28 months between the original iPhone’s U.S. introduction and the first authorized iPhone sales in China.

  Apple was China’s fifth-largest smartphone vendor in the third quarter with a 5.9% share of unit sales, but the iPhone 4 is likely to boost its fourth-quarter sales, said Beijing research firm Analysys International. Nokia Corp. had the largest share of China’s smartphone market in the third quarter at 23.5%, according to Analysys, The Journal reports.

  As The Journal’s Loretta Chao reported back in June, China’s three state-owned mobile operators, China Mobile Ltd., China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd. and China Telecom Corp., are beginning to gain 3G subscribers after a long regulatory delay. According to government statistics, China as of April 2010 had 786.5 million mobile subscribers, the most in the world.

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