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安卓版本:8.7.20 蘋果版本:8.7.20






來源: 鳳凰網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/03/22 11:41:08  字體:

  Grain prices go the way of the oil price


  EVERY morning millions of Americans confront the latest trend in commodities markets at their kitchen table. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, rising prices for crops—dubbed "agflation"—has begun to drive up the cost of breakfast. The price of orange juice has risen by a quarter over the past year, eggs by a fifth and milk by roughly 5%. Breakfast-cereal makers, such as Kellogg's and General Mills, have also raised their prices. Underpinning these rises is a sharp increase in the prices of grains such as corn (maize) and wheat, both of which recently hit ten-year highs. Analysts are beginning to ask, as they have of oil and metals, whether higher prices are here to stay.

  每天早晨,餐桌前的數(shù)百萬美國人都要直面農(nóng)產(chǎn)品市場的最新趨勢。美國農(nóng)業(yè)部稱,農(nóng)作物價格上漲(被稱為“農(nóng)產(chǎn)品通脹(agflation)”已經(jīng)開始引發(fā)早餐成本的升高。在過去一年里,橙汁價格上漲了25%,蛋價漲了20%,牛奶價格則漲了約5%,早餐谷類食品制造商如Kellogg's和General Mills也紛紛提價。導致這些產(chǎn)品價格上漲的原因是玉米和小麥等谷物價格的飆升,這兩類谷物的價格近期均升至十年來最高水平。分析人士現(xiàn)已開始懷疑谷物價格是否會像石油和金屬價格一樣一路走高。

  On the face of it, that is an odd question. After all, if the world runs short of corn or wheat, farmers can simply grow more, weather permitting. That is exactly what they have been doing. In the coming year, the International Grains Council, an industry group, estimates that global production of grains will reach a record of 1,660m tonnes, well above last year's figure of 1,569m. But demand for grain is growing even faster. The council reckons it will reach 1,680m tonnes this year. In three of the past four years, demand has exceeded supply.


  The culprit is the growing use of grains to make biofuels, such as ethanol. Most grains are used as food either for people or for livestock. But the increase in human consumption has been slowing for decades as population growth moderates. Demand for animal feed, meanwhile, has grown steadily, as more people in booming countries such as China grow rich enough to afford meat.


  Demand for biofuel feedstocks, by contrast, is soaring. The amount of corn used to make ethanol in America has tripled since 2000; ethanol distilleries now consume a fifth of the country's corn crop. And America is only one of 41 countries where governments are encouraging the use of biofuels to reduce oil consumption.


  As a result, demand for grains has accelerated. During the 1990s, when oil was cheap and biofuels unheard of, demand grew by 1.2% a year, according to Goldman Sachs. But in recent years, it has increased by 1.4%, and over the next decade, Goldman projects, it will rise by 1.9% annually.


  Farmers are struggling to keep up. The Economist Intelligence Unit, a sister company of The Economist, projects that demand for corn, at least, will continue to exceed supply until at least 2009. Moreover, even to produce as much corn as they are now, farmers are growing less soya and wheat, and so pushing up the prices of those crops too. With all the main grains to feed poultry and livestock becoming more expensive, the cost of meat and eggs is rising, and so it goes on.


  When demand was growing more slowly, farmers could meet it through gradual improvements in their yields. But to cope with today's boom, yields will have to rise much faster, or farmers will have to bring more land into production.


  Both are possible. Greater adoption of genetically modified strains of corn and wheat, for example, could improve yields. But they are expensive and politically controversial. There is also quite a bit of fallow land to be sowed, especially in developing agricultural powers such as Brazil and Ukraine. But those countries are far from the biggest markets and their idle land tends to be found in areas with poor transport links. A strong price signal will be needed to overcome such obstacles and induce extra supplies.


  But even if new land is planted, argues Jeffrey Currie of Goldman Sachs, it will not necessarily reduce the cost of grains. Since high oil prices and generous government subsidies ensure that biofuels are profitable, any extra grain will be used to make more of the stuff. That will not dent the oil price, since the volumes remain tiny compared with global oil consumption. Instead, the price of biofuels has risen to that of petrol, and the price of corn and crude oil, the main feedstocks for the two, have converged. For grain prices to fall, Mr Currie argues, either governments must pull the plug on biofuels programmes, or the oil price must fall.

  然而,高盛公司的杰弗里庫里(Jeffrey Currie)認為,即使增加耕地,也不一定會降低谷物價格。由于油價高、政府補貼多使得生物燃料有利可圖,因此增收的谷物都會被用于生產(chǎn)生物燃料原料。這并不會使油價下跌,因為石油總量相比全球石油消耗而言仍然很少。相反,生物燃料價格已經(jīng)逼近石油價格水平,而作為兩者的主要原料,玉米和原油的價格也已持平。庫里認為,要想谷物價格下降,前提條件要么是政府限制生物燃料生產(chǎn),要么是油價下跌。

  Neither seems very likely in the near future. This week America's Congress is debating whether to double its targets for biofuel production. At the same time, the oil price rose to its highest level in ten months, thanks to a strike and other disruptions in Nigeria. The chaos in the Niger delta, it turns out, has a surprising amount to do with the price of eggs.


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