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來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/22 09:46:53  字體:

  In official comments that have fueled speculation about faster appreciation of the yuan, senior Chinese leaders seem to be acknowledging an argument long made by Washington and others that a stronger yuan may be helpful in taming the country's rising inflation.


  U.S. officials, and many economists, have argued that an artificially cheap Chinese currency, while boosting China's exports, is ultimately self-defeating because it adds to inflation, in part because export earnings flood the economy.


  In recent days, as inflation readings have accelerated, Chinese officials have made comments that some analysts believe signal greater acceptance of that argument. Premier Wen Jiabao, at a meeting last week of the State Council, China's equivalent of a cabinet, listed 'strengthening the flexibility' of the yuan's exchange rate as one of several tools the government should better use to control prices. Less senior officials have made that argument before, but Mr. Wen's remarks were unusual for a top leader.


  Still, economists say Beijing's change in language, while significant, is unlikely to result in a sharp jump in the yuan. European Pressphoto Agency中國(guó)總理溫家寶,此圖攝于2010年。


  'China appears to be on the verge of allowing faster currency appreciation in response to inflation,' Mark Williams, senior China economist for Capital Economics in London, wrote in a note Tuesday, citing official comments. But Mr. Williams predicts the yuan will end this year around 6.20 per dollar, a gain of about 5.25% from current levels─meaning only a slight pickup in the pace of appreciation.

  倫敦公司Capital Economics資深中國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家威廉姆斯(Mark Williams)在周二一份報(bào)告中以官方言論為依據(jù)說,中國(guó)似乎正在接近于為抗通脹而允許匯率更快升值。但威廉姆斯預(yù)計(jì),今年年末人民幣將在1美元兌6.20元人民幣左右,較當(dāng)前升值幅度約為5.25%。這意味著人民幣升值速度只是略有加快。

  The yuan ended trading Wednesday in Shanghai at a record high against the U.S. currency. But at 6.5255 per dollar, the yuan has gained only 4.6% since June, when Beijing ended a nearly two-year peg to the dollar. That is a pace of about 0.5% a month, much slower than some economists and foreign critics have urged.


  Economists generally agree that faster appreciation could help cool prices, at least somewhat. A stronger yuan would reduce the costs in local currency of crude oil, iron ore, soybeans and other commodities that China imports in enormous quantities─soaring prices for which have been passed on to consumers in higher costs of food and transport.


  Mr. Wen has said fighting inflation is China's top economic priority this year, and the government has raised interest rates four times since October, ordered companies to halt price increases, and cranked back the supply of bank credit. But consumer prices still rose in March at their fastest pace in 32 months.


  On Monday, People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said the government is working to reduce the accumulation of foreign-exchange reserves. They have soared to more than $3 trillion largely as a consequence of China's currency policy, which forces the central bank to buy dollars from exporters and foreign investors. Mr. Zhou said the reserves pump excess cash into the economy and 'exceed our reasonable requirements.


  China's currency policy has long been a source of friction with trading partners, especially the U.S., which argue that an undervalued yuan unfairly benefits Chinese exporters. On Monday, a delegation of 10 U.S. senators arrived in Beijing─including New York Democrat Charles Schumer, perhaps China's biggest critic on the currency issue─for meetings with Chinese officials at which the Americans plan to raise the exchange-rate issue.

  中國(guó)匯率政策長(zhǎng)期以來都是與貿(mào)易伙伴、特別是美國(guó)發(fā)生磨擦的原因,這些貿(mào)易伙伴認(rèn)為,人民幣匯率低估給中國(guó)出口企業(yè)帶來了不公平的好處。一個(gè)由10名美國(guó)參議員組成的代表團(tuán)周一抵達(dá)北京與中國(guó)官員會(huì)談。美方打算在會(huì)談期間提起匯率問題。代表團(tuán)成員包括紐約州民主黨參議員舒默(Charles Schumer),他可能是匯率問題上抨擊中國(guó)最猛烈的一位。

  But the Obama administration also has stressed to Beijing the importance of a stronger yuan in fighting inflation, recognizing that China's leaders place far more importance on domestic considerations than on foreign pressure.


  Top political leaders in China like Mr. Wen─the ones who ultimately decide key issues like exchange-rate policy─in the past didn't typically view the currency as a monetary-policy tool, analysts say. But that may be changing.


  'There may be a shift under way from thinking about the exchange rate mainly as a variable that affects the competitiveness of exporters to a macroeconomic variable that is part of the management of growth and inflation,' said Louis Kuijs, economist at the World Bank in Beijing.

  世界銀行(World Bank)駐北京經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家高路易(Louis Kuijs)說,目前可能正在發(fā)生一種轉(zhuǎn)變,不再把匯率主要視為一個(gè)可以影響出口商競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力的因素,而是把它視為一個(gè)宏觀經(jīng)濟(jì)因素,是管理經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)和通貨膨脹的一部分。

  Still, estimating the impact of a stronger yuan on inflation with any precision is difficult.


  And there are limits to the relationship between the two. Higher costs for imported fertilizer and diesel affect the agricultural sector, but most of China's food—which accounts for nearly a third of the basket used to calculate the consumer-price index—is grown domestically, not imported.


  Even for goods that are imported, the government's other tools, like price controls, help mitigate the impact of imported inflation on consumers: State-set prices for gasoline and diesel in China have risen about 10% this year, even as global prices for crude oil have soared more than 20%.


  A stronger yuan would do little to affect one key structural component of China's inflation: rising wages. Economists believe that China has hit a point in its development at which demand for labor starts to grow faster than supply, pushing up salaries. A survey conducted by Standard Chartered in the first quarter of 2011 showed average wages in a sample of 87 manufacturing firms rising by 9% to 15% from the previous year.

  人民幣走強(qiáng)對(duì)中國(guó)通貨膨脹的一個(gè)主要結(jié)構(gòu)性成分──不斷提高的工資影響甚微。經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家認(rèn)為,中國(guó)的發(fā)展已經(jīng)到了一定的階段,勞動(dòng)力需求的增速開始超過供應(yīng)的增速,進(jìn)而推高了工資。渣打銀行(Standard Chartered) 2011年一季度進(jìn)行的一項(xiàng)調(diào)查顯示,在調(diào)查的87個(gè)制造企業(yè)中,平均工資較上年同期漲了9%至15%。

  Balanced against the benefits of a stronger yuan are concerns about the potential impact on exporters, who employ a huge share of China's work force. Many of them operate on thin profit margins. Concern about exporters is one reason top officials have long insisted that any change in the yuan must be measured. 'We will further increase the [yuan's] flexibility according to the market,' Mr. Wen said last month. 'But we must also keep in mind that this kind of reform is gradual, because it affects companies and employment.


  A hazard of the steady, gradual approach to appreciation is that it invites speculators to pump capital into China to profit on what they see as a one-way bet. Authorities revile such 'hot money,' in part because it can further fuel inflation.


  As a result, some economists have argued that Beijing should opt for a sizable one-time revaluation of the yuan. But even academic advocates of this approach conceded that it is politically untenable.


  Last spring, Zhang Bin, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Science, proposed a one-time appreciation, followed by a return to a pegged exchange rate. Now, however, he admits: 'The economics make sense, but politically it would be impossible to get agreement.


  Xia Bin, one of three academic advisers on the central bank's largely powerless monetary-policy committee, argued in an Internet post Tuesday that a one-time jump in the yuan 'shouldn't be excluded.' But he also said this was a 'long-term' prescription. 'In the current situation, excessive fast appreciation isn't good for the Chinese economy or social stability,' he wrote.


  Some economists argue that the general approach to measuring the yuan's exchange rate is misguided, because it overemphasizes the dollar. While the yuan has gained 4.6% against the U.S. currency since June, its 'real effective exchange rate'—taking account of price changes and the yuan's value against other currencies like the euro—is little changed.


  Data from the Bank for International Settlements shows that in the period from June 2010 through March 2011, the real effective exchange rate has actually depreciated slightly. Economists say that means there is scope for appreciation without hurting the competitiveness of exporters. But even the more bullish estimates appearing in the last few days expect appreciation of only 6% to 8% against the dollar over the course of the year.

  國(guó)際清算銀行(Bank for International Settlements)的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,從2010年6月至2011年3月,人民幣實(shí)際有效匯率實(shí)際上小幅下降。經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家說,這意味著存在在不損害出口商競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力的情況下升值的空間。不過,即使是過去幾天出現(xiàn)的更加樂觀的估計(jì)也認(rèn)為,今年人民幣兌美元將僅僅升值6%至8%。

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