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來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/04 15:18:37  字體:

  China has moved to rein in an explosion of short-term high-yielding products offered by banks, which regulators see as a potentially dangerous side-effect of a lending spree by banks since the global financial crisis.


  In rules published on Wednesday, the China Banking Regulatory Commission demanded that banks do more to manage and disclose risks involved in their so-called “wealth management products”, which function like certificates of deposit with a duration of just a few weeks.


  Having issued a torrent of credit over the past three years, Chinese banks are now working to attract enough funding to keep their loan-to-deposit ratio below the 75 per cent regulatory threshold.


  While that is not in doubt for the country’s largest banks, smaller institutions are engaged in increasingly fierce competition to increase or simply maintain their deposit base, and the new rules signal official alarm at the aggressive steps they are taking. “Banks must not sell wealth management products which are not based on market analysis, have no risk-control mechanisms, have no risk measurement, and cannot be independently appraised,” said the CBRC.


  Concerns about China’s financial system have tended to focus on the asset side of banks’ balance sheets, particularly the huge amounts they have lent to local governments and the potential for a wave of defaults.


  The national audit office revealed this week that local government debts amounted to more than a quarter of China’s gross domestic product.


  However, the restrictions on the wealth management products show that the liability side of banks’ balance sheets is also becoming problematic as they scramble to shore up their funding base.


  China caps the deposit rates that banks can offer well below lending rates, giving them a handsome net interest margin as a guaranteed source of profit. But depositors do not like putting their money in low-yielding accounts, so banks have been creating wealth management products to keep them satisfied.


  These products are typically short term, running between two and 31 days. And in annualised terms, they offer interest rates as high as 8 per cent, more than double the benchmark one-year 3.25 per cent deposit rate.


  Charlene Chu, an analyst with Fitch Ratings in Beijing, said the single biggest risk was a liquidity crunch “because of the very short-term nature of the products and the resulting duration mismatch between assets and liabilities”.

  惠譽評級(Fitch Ratings)駐北京分析師朱夏蓮(Charlene Chu)表示,最大的風險是流動性吃緊,“這是由這些產(chǎn)品的短期性特點以及由此造成的資產(chǎn)與負債期限不匹配所致”。

  Banks must roll over the wealth management products every few weeks to keep the cash flowing. If clients decided to stop buying the products, it would be tantamount to a withdrawal and banks would need to come up with their money, but bank assets are mainly tied up in longer-term loans and are not easily liquidated.


  There are about Rmb7,000bn ($1,082bn) in outstanding wealth management products, according to the official Xinhua news agency, more than triple the amount at the end of last year and equating to 9 per cent of total Chinese bank deposits.


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