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安卓版本:8.7.20 蘋果版本:8.7.20






來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/08/26 09:52:59  字體:

  The red clay hills of southern China might seem an unlikely spot for a global tug of war. But that is exactly what is playing out there as Beijing cracks down on the mining of rare earths, the 17 elements crucial to the electronics used in everyday life.


  In recent weeks, some of the mines gouged out of hillsides in Jiangxi province have been broken up, others mothballed, as China, which controls nearly all the world’s rare earths production, tightens environmental rules governing the industry. The move, which will cut supply, will send shivers through the global rare-earths supply chain.


  Rare earths are crucial to everything from polishing glass to generating electricity from wind or making a BlackBerry vibrate – or guiding a missile.


  Last year, China slashed export quotas and briefly suspended shipments to Japan after a diplomatic dispute, prompting protests from Washington and Tokyo and sparking concerns for supply. Japan and other countries responded by seeking alternative sources.


  While Chinese officials cite environmental concern over how rare earths are produced, some industry executives say protectionism and a desire for a bigger role in the lucrative sector for state-owned miners is also a determining factor behind the clampdown.


  Analysts believe the clean-up programme will reduce rare earths output this year and tighten the market, though exact figures are difficult to ascertain because of smuggling.


  “I would expect a shortage developing in the next two to three months,” says Constantine Karayannopoulos, chief executive of rare earths producer Neo Materials.

  稀土生產(chǎn)商N(yùn)eo Material Technologies首席執(zhí)行官康斯坦丁·卡拉亞諾保洛斯(Constantine Karayannopoulos)表示:“我預(yù)計(jì),未來(lái)兩到三個(gè)月,(稀土供應(yīng))將出現(xiàn)短缺。”

  Over the past year, companies have been busy finding ways to use fewer rare earths. New mines in the US and Australia are set to come on line, but not soon enough to avoid a global squeeze.


  Parts of southern China, including Jiangxi province, are at the heart of the crackdown. Red clays in the region are rich in “heavy” rare earths, the most valuable and scarce elements. The mining has for decades been a cottage industry as farmers have learnt how to leach the elements out of the clay in their back yards.


  “My brother and I went into rare earths in 1987,” recalls one motorcycle taxi driver in the town of Xinfeng. “It was tough to make any money. We had no technology and prices were so low back then.”


  As its economy opened in the 1980s, China came to dominate production as it could mine rare earths cheaply – often at great environmental cost. Competing US mines were pushed out of business.


  The countryside around Xinfeng is dotted with hundreds of small open-pit mines into which miners pour water and chemicals, producing a sludge rich in rare earths. Technically, the province has only 88 licences for rare earths mines –soon to be whittled down to one mega-licence – but small producers have typically eluded Beijing’s reach.


  Farmers in Jiangxi have mastered the art of these small “leach” mines, where high-potency fertiliser is often used to dissolve the rare earth. They have left the land scarred by barren tailings ponds and eroded hilltops.


  Beijing has launched campaigns over the years to clean up the mines, but none as serious as that now under way. “It used to be that if you had a relative in government or were well connected, you could still mine [even during crackdowns],” said a miner in Tongmu village. “But today it is yidaoqie – one knife cuts all.”


  Near where he stands, the charred remains of a small rare earths pit are witness to the clampdown. Officials raided the mine this month and burned its equipment so it could not be put back into use, the miner says. Government notices on local television promise a reward of RMB20,000 ($3,130) for anyone reporting an illegal rare earths mine, as well as pay-outs for turning in unauthorised dealers.


  Beijing announced a nationwide rare earths mine inspection campaign this month after a series of steadily tightening rules since the start of the year. Its vision is eventually to consolidate control of China’s rare earths industry under three big state-owned miners – Baogang, Chinalco and Minmetals – but that will prove an uphill battle.


  Jiangxi is considered more strictly regulated than neighbouring provinces, but it is not difficult to find mines still operating. Record high prices for rare earths this year have fuelled smuggling – miners say they can make RMB30,000 from a single tonne of mixed, unprocessed rare earths. Often, the largest mines are owned by the same local government officials in charge of enforcing the shutdowns.


  Some mines are poised to reopen once Beijing looks the other way. In the forests near the hamlet of Anxi, a new rare-earth mine lies spread out under the evening sky. It was completed just before the crackdown and has never been operated.


  “You never know when government policies could change,” said a former miner, looking out over the pit. “This time next year, this mine could easily be producing.”


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