When the Hong Kong property market collapsed at the end of 1997, prices fell for nearly six years before bottoming out at one-third of the pre-crash level.
The Asia financial crisis and the Sars epidemic were devastating blows to the territory in 1998 and 2002 respectively, but public policy controlling the supply of land and the provision of public housing was widely blamed for exacerbating and prolonging the property market decline. It fanned widespread anger towards the first postcolonial administration and contributed to the eventual ousting of Tung Chee-hwa, then chief executive.
亞洲金融危機和非典(Sars)疫情分別在1998年和2002年對香港造成了毀滅性打擊,但人們普遍將控制土地供應和公屋供應的公共政策歸咎為加劇并延長房地產市場滑坡的罪魁禍首。這激起了人們對首屆香港特別行政區(qū)政府的普遍憤怒,也導致了首任特首董建華(Tung Chee-hwa)的最終辭職。
Today, Hong Kong is the world’s most expensive place to buy a home, according to global property agency Savills, following years of abundant liquidity in mainland China, ultra-low local interest rates and a supply shortage. Local indices show the average price in the secondary market is about HK$6,000 ($769) per square foot – about the same as in 1997, before the market crashed.
The question most people are asking is not whether there is going to be a correction, but how big it will be.
Transaction volumes and land sale prices have fallen recently, an indication that buyers and developers see risks increasing. Anecdotally, the wealthy mainland Chinese buyers who have been propping up the high end of the market are holding back as a result of Beijing’s tightening policies.
The government’s monetary hands are tied as Hong Kong is pegged to US interest rates. However, local banks have been raising mortgage rates since March as Hong Kong dollar loan growth outstrips deposit growth. Local savers are increasingly converting their Hong Kong dollars to the renminbi, while corporate borrowers are happy to pay higher interest rates in Hong Kong as it gets harder to borrow money on the mainland.
Another damper on prices, analysts say, is a change in government policy. Apart from introducing short-term measures to cool the markets – anti-speculation stamp duties and lowering the loan-to-value ratio for high-end residential properties, for example – the government seems determined to increase land supply and stabilise property prices.
It announced this year it would resume regular land sales and provide land sufficient for the annual construction of 20,000 private housing units for the next 10 years. It also said it would provide 15,000 public rental housing units a year to help those who cannot afford to buy a home.
Donald Tsang, the chief executive, is widely expected to restart the Home Ownership Scheme – subsidised housing that low-to-mid income families can buy. This was suspended in 2002 when property prices were falling. If the government really commits itself to the 20,000 unit target – that is the annual average demand for new flats – it could go a long way to reducing price volatility caused by a big gap between demand and supply, analysts say.
外界普遍預期,香港特首曾蔭權(Donald Tsang)將重啟“居者有其屋”計劃(Home Ownership Scheme),指興建中低收入家庭可以購買的補貼住房。2002年,隨著房價不斷下跌,該計劃遭到擱置。分析人士表示,如果香港政府真的兌現其每年建造2萬戶(這是每年新住宅的平均需求量)的承諾,這可能會大大有利于降低因供需巨大缺口導致的價格波動。
The government has a monopoly over the availability of new land for property development in the region and its traditional, supply-side approach is to halt land sales when prices are low and then sell a lot of land when prices are considered too high.
There are two problems, says Albert Wong, deputy chairman of Midland Holdings, a local estate agency. First, the government tends to make these decisions too late. “We were telling officials four, five years ago that they should start selling land again, but it’s taken them this long to do it, which is why prices have been rising since 2003,” he says.
香港房地產經紀公司美聯集團(Midland Holdings)副董事長黃錦康(Albert Wong)表示,這其中存在兩個問題。首先,政府這些決定往往來得太遲了。他表示:“四五年前我們就告訴官員,他們應開始再次售地,但他們過了這么長時間才動手,這就是房價自2003年以來一直上漲的原因。”
Another problem is that, by the time the new flats are built – it usually takes three or four years to build a Hong Kong skyscraper – the market is likely to have changed. “Over 30,000 new private flats were completed in 1999, compared with average annual demand of 20,000. They were legacies of aggressive land sales in previous years designed to cool prices, when prices were still high. Instead of the desired effect, their arrival on the market put additional pressure on already falling prices,” he says.
So how much will prices fall? Given that they have risen about 70 percent since 2009, most forecasts are not pointing to a big crash.
Andrew Lawrence, Barclays Capital’s head of regional property research, is among the most bearish of analysts. By his estimate, Hong Kong property prices will fall by 25 to 30 percent next year, sparked off by higher borrowing rates.
巴克萊資本(Barclays Capital)區(qū)域房地產研究主管安德魯?勞倫斯(Andrew Lawrence)是態(tài)度最為悲觀的分析師之一。根據他的估計,香港房價明年將下跌25%至30%,直接原因是借款利率上升。
Yu Kam-hung, executive director of valuation and advisory services at CB Richard Ellis in Hong Kong, is expecting a 10 to 20 percent fall in the next 18 months. “All the major positive drivers of prices are over and done with. There can only be less money coming in from mainland buyers, and interest rates have bottomed,” he says. “But the depreciation of the Hong Kong dollar – which makes local assets relatively cheaper for overseas buyers – and the continued shortage of first-hand property should give some support to the market.”
香港世邦魏理仕(CB Richard Ellis)估值和咨詢服務執(zhí)行董事余錦雄(Yu Kam-hung)預計,未來18個月,香港房價將下跌10%至20%。“所有推動房價的主要正面因素已消失。來自內地購房者的資金可能只會減少,而且利率已觸底,”他表示,“但港元貶值(這令本地資產對于海外買家而言相對廉價)以及一手房持續(xù)短缺,應該會為市場提供一些支撐。”
There will be fresh demand from mainland buyers if the Hong Kong currency falls by as much as 10 percent in the coming year, he says. If the devaluation happens at a slower pace – say 3 to 4 percent – the attraction for overseas buyers will not change much, he adds.
An adjustment is overdue, says Chak Wong, a finance professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. “You shouldn’t have a market where people end up paying 12 times their household income for a flat,” he says.
香港中文大學(Chinese University of Hong Kong)金融學教授王澤基(Chak Wong)表示,房價早就應該調整。他表示:“房地產市場不應該讓人們的購房成本達到家庭收入的12倍。
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