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來源: tanjinzhang 編輯: 2009/10/08 11:42:05  字體:


  Provision for obsolete stock is just looked beautiful


  There are eight impairments of assets in accounting: provision for bad debts, provision for obsolete stock, provision for impairment loss of long-term equity investments, short-term investments falling price reserves, fixed assets depreciation reserves, intangible assets depreciation reserves, trademark rights depreciation reserves and other depreciation reserves. Those depreciation reserves are assumed to make the balance sheet fairer. But in fact, they are just looked beautiful. It’s hard to make the balance sheet fairer. Now, I’d like to take the case of the provision for obsolete stock as an example.


  According to China GAAP, obsolete stock can be measured by the less one of the cost and the net realizable value. Cost can be easily found in the general ledger, but it is hard to determine the net realizable value. The China GAAP prescribes the net realizable value is the balance of the selling price after estimated cost and relevant taxes. The definition is quite clear, but it’s not easy to manipulate.


  Selling price of obsolete stock:


  The selling price is difficult to assess as the obsolete stock haven’t been sold. The value of raw material is based on the value of finished goods, so we’re going to talk about the finished goods only. Finish good has a fixed price, but how to measure the discount that hasn’t been decided. How to determine the selling price is still a problem, shall we determine it by the average price of the past, or by the aging of the obsolete stock?


  According to the proposition of the china GAAP, the method of the average price in the past is better. The method on the aging of finished goods has two advantages. (1) It is easy to get the aging of finished goods in the general ledger, whereas the average price of the past is not easily gotten. (2) There is relativity between the selling price and the aging. The longer the aging is, the harder to sell the finished goods. But the method of the aging has weaknesses. (1) The aging of finished goods is not equal to the net realizable value. (2) Although the aging of finished goods highly associated with the selling price, but their relativity is not formula defined.


  What if we determine the selling price by the average price in the past, how do we define the period of the past? The china GAAP does not have a clear definition. Thus in each industries, different standards exist. And the standards influence the horizontal comparison (the comparison between companies) as well as the vertical comparison (the comparison between different time periods). Horizontal comparison is complicated due to different standards, and so is the situation in vertical comparison. In order to make the vertical comparison happen, we can fix the time period. Even though, to determine the selling price is still a problem, especially when we are talking about some expensive products which have bad sales records at their last selling prices. Under such circumstance, to estimate the selling price is really hard.


  The estimated cost and relevant taxes:


  Because the cost is estimated, there are many fuzzy spaces need to be taken into consideration, such as the raise of the wages and other administration fees, so the cost and expenses increase accordingly.


  It is hard to determine the range of the estimated cost and relevant expenses. Does the following cost include the loan interest? Do the related expenses include administrative expenses? What about the apportionment of the related expenses?


  Provision for obsolete stock is just looked beautiful. It is hard to determine provision for obsolete stock because of those fuzzy spaces. “Make the balance sheet fairer” is just an unachievable goal, and maybe it’s a reflection of accounting estimate and principle-based.




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