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大宗商品供不應求 礦業(yè)企業(yè)加大投資(雙語)

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/23 10:17:52  字體:

  Mining companies, which posted record profits of more than $50 billion in 2010, are funneling cash into expanding their supplies of key raw materials. The expansion, though, is unlikely to be enough to meet robust demand and tame rising commodity prices.


  Companies such as BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto PLC and Vale SA are boosting capital investment but running into various head winds, which are slowing their ability to greatly boost output of iron ore, coal and copper. As a result, prices of those commodities are expected to remain high, with some forecast to climb even higher over the next two years. The price of coal has risen 32% since late last year.

  必和必拓(BHP Billiton)、力拓(Rio Tinto PLC)和淡水河谷(Vale SA)等公司正在增加資本投入,但各種不利因素也降低了這些公司大大提高鐵礦石、煤炭和銅的產(chǎn)出的能力。結(jié)果上述大宗商品的價格預計將停留在高位,一些人甚至預測未來兩年價格還將漲至更高。自去年底以來煤炭的價格累計上漲了32%。

  One issue shaping -- and limiting -- investment options is the rising wave of nationalism by countries, which have signaled an intent to impose high taxes or government requirements on the businesses.


  Roger Agnelli, the CEO of Brazil's Vale, which generated $26.12 billion in cash from operations in 2010, is under pressure to step down by government officials who want the mining company to invest more heavily in Brazil. They would like to see more steel-making operations that could use iron ore and coal to make steel, rather than export those raw materials to steel plants in other parts of the world.

  巴西淡水河谷的首席執(zhí)行長阿涅利(Roger Agnelli)目前正處于辭職壓力之下,因為政府官員希望該公司能加大在巴西的投資。淡水河谷2010年的營業(yè)現(xiàn)金收入共計261.2億美元。政府官員希望看到巴西國內(nèi)能有更多的鋼鐵廠利用鐵礦石和煤炭煉鋼,而不是將這些原材料出口到世界其它地區(qū)的鋼鐵廠。

  Rio Tinto Chief Executive Tom Albanese says that miners have cash available but that progress in developing or expanding new mines is slowed by delays in government permits, escalating costs for labor and machinery, and limited ports and railways. Companies have already developed the most accessible reserves and now have to dig deeper, which adds costs. They also have to extract more tons and refine them more because the reserves may not be as pure.

  力拓首席執(zhí)行長艾博年(Tom Albanese)說,礦業(yè)公司手頭不缺現(xiàn)金,但開采或擴大新礦的進程被政府審批的延誤(這增加了勞動力和機械成本)以及有限的港口和鐵路運能所拖累。那些最容易開發(fā)的礦產(chǎn)資源已經(jīng)被各大公司開采了,剩下的礦需要深入挖掘才行,這也增加了成本。由于礦產(chǎn)資源可能不純,現(xiàn)在也必須開采更多的礦,進行更細致的提煉。

  "Even when we do find the new resources and our engineers are ready to go, we find that it's actually taking longer than it would have 10 to 20 years ago to deliver them to the market," Mr. Albanese told investors in Hong Kong last week. "Five years ago it was hard to look at a project without spending at least $500 million. Today I would have to say it's hard to look at a project without spending at least $2-$3 billion."


  In recent weeks, Rio Tinto, which posted a record $14 billion in earnings in 2010 and had $23.5 billion in cash from operations, boosted its 2011 capital expenditure budget to $13 billion from the previous $11 billion estimated last winter. Guy Elliott, the chief financial officer of Rio Tinto, says the miner is going to focus on small to medium-sized acquisitions up to the 'single-digit' billion-dollar range.

  最近幾周力拓將2011年的資本支出預算從去年冬天估計的110億美元提高到130億美元,其首席執(zhí)行長艾略特(Guy Elliott)說該公司打算將重點放在價值不超過10億美元的中小型收購上。力拓公布了2010年創(chuàng)紀錄的140億美元的利潤,營業(yè)現(xiàn)金收入為235億美元。

  Supplies of certain minerals, copper in particular, are expected to be tight. Demand for copper, which is used in commercial construction and industrial piping, is outstripping supply by about 400,000 metric tons a year, according to analysts. Demand for iron ore, used to make steel, is expected to exceed supply for at least the next five years as steel mills in China increase their own production.


  'No matter how much will is out there to do these new projects, you are probably going to be in a position of under supply, with copper being the most extreme,' says Mike Elliott, who heads Ernst & Young's global mining and metals practice in Australia. Investment and development is constrained in part by the limited ports and rails, he says.

  安永會計師事務所駐澳大利亞的全球礦業(yè)和金屬業(yè)務主管埃利奧特(Mike Elliott)說,不管你多么希望能做成這些新的項目,你很可能會碰到供給不足的情況,其中需求缺口最大的是銅。埃利奧特又說,投資和開采受到限制的部分原因是港口和鐵路運能有限。

  Having spent the last two years significantly reducing debt loads, miners are expected to ramp up investment and exceed 2009's spending level of $113.7 billion for 1,123 deals, according to the latest report from Ernst & Young's mining research and consulting.


  Rio Tinto slashed debt to $4.3 billion in 2010, from $18.9 billion at the end of 2009. Xstrata PLC reduced its net debt by 38% to $7.64 billion from $12.3 billion.

  力拓將債務水平從2009年底的189億美元削減至2010年的43億美元。而Xstrata PLC將凈債務水平從123億美元降低到了76.4億美元,降低了38%。

  BHP has about $16 billion of cash on hand and an undrawn $4 billion revolving-credit facility, according to its latest financial results. The miner says that it will spend about $80 billion in growth projects over the next five years to find and develop new resource projects in order to meet the world's demand for more metals and minerals.


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