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來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/27 13:36:08  字體:

  Jiayuan.com, China’s largest online dating service, plans to raise up to $100m in an initial public offering in the US.


  The matchmaker on Thursday applied to list on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol DATE, joining a growing queue of Chinese internet companies eager to cash in on strong investor demand.


  Qihoo 360 Technology, China’s leading provider of free antivirus software, defied market jitters and raised $175m immediately after Japan was hit by an earthquake last month. Its share price more than doubled on the first day of trading.

  上月,中國領(lǐng)先的免費防病毒軟件提供商——奇虎360科技公司(Qihoo 360 Technology)頂住了日本地震帶給市場的沖擊波,成功募得1.75億美元。其股價在首日交易中上漲一倍多。

  Seven Chinese companies have raised a total of $572m from IPOs in the US so far this year, according to data provider Dealogic. They include Qihoo 360 and 21Vianet Group, a company that runs internet data centres.

  根據(jù)數(shù)據(jù)提供商Dealogic的數(shù)據(jù),今年迄今已有7家中國企業(yè)在美國進行IPO,總共募資5.72億美元。其中包括奇虎360和運營互聯(lián)網(wǎng)數(shù)據(jù)中心的世紀(jì)互聯(lián)集團(21Vianet Group)。

  The year got off to a slow start compared with 2010, when 39 Chinese companies raised $4bn from US listings. Apart from Jiayuan, three other Chinese companies have filed to list in the US: Tudou, the online video site that plans to raise $120m from an IPO delayed since late last year; China Zenix Auto, a steel wheel maker, wants to raise $250m; and Renren, the social networking site modelled after Facebook, plans to start trading on May 4 and is expected raise $584m.

  與2010年(39家中國企業(yè)赴美上市,總共募資40億美元)相比,今年開局緩慢。除了世紀(jì)佳緣外,還有3家中國企業(yè)已遞交在美國上市的申請:在線視頻網(wǎng)站土豆網(wǎng)(Tudou),計劃通過IPO募資1.20億美元,這宗上市已從去年末拖延至今;車輪鋼圈制造商正興車輪集團(China Zenix Auto),希望募資2.5億美元;以及以Facebook為樣板的社交網(wǎng)站人人網(wǎng)(Renren),計劃從5月4日開始交易,預(yù)計將募資5.84億美元。

  Bankers on Thursday said there was a pipeline of larger Chinese IPOs, especially from the internet sector, coming next year.


  Renren’s rival Kaixin 001 has hired Citigroup and JPMorgan for its planned US listing, also expected this year. “And the really big ones will come next year,” said one banker. He said Taobao, the consumer e-commerce subsidiary of Alibaba Group, and Lashou, China’s largest group buying site, were both likely to go public in 2012 and expected to raise more than $1bn.

  人人網(wǎng)的競爭對手開心網(wǎng)(Kaixin 001)已聘請花旗集團(Citigroup)和摩根大通(JPMorgan)幫助推進其赴美上市計劃,預(yù)期該公司也將在今年上市。“而真正的大型上市將會在明年,”一名銀行家表示。他表示,阿里巴巴集團(Alibaba Group)旗下的消費者電子商務(wù)子公司淘寶網(wǎng)(Taobao)和中國最大的團購網(wǎng)站拉手網(wǎng)(Lashou)均可能在2012年上市,預(yù)計將募資10億美元以上。

  According to Jiayuan’s prospectus, the dating site had revenues of just $25m last year and it made a net loss of $1.3m.


  The company started monetising its online dating service in 2008 by taking fees from members for the messages they exchange with prospective dates.


  Le Xiaotian is one of the 4.7m people who regularly use the site. The 26-year-old wrote in his profile that he had a technical college education and made between Rmb2,000 and Rmb5,000 a month. He was 162cm tall and his Chinese horoscope was the rat.


  “You get tired after walking alone for too long,” he wrote. “Sitting in the sun with you on winter afternoons, serving you a cup of steaming hot green tea, growing old together with the person you love, is there anything happier than that?”


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