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安卓版本:8.7.20 蘋果版本:8.7.20






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/04 15:55:39  字體:

  On Monday, the Chinese government took an important step toward revealing the extent of borrowing by local governments. But full disclosure is still a long way off.


  The National Audit Office released a report showing local government financing vehicle, or LGFV, debt at 4.97 trillion yuan ($768 billion), a figure that is much lower than previous government estimates and thus should be discounted. However, the NAO report also disclosed for the first time that non-LGFV local governmental debt totaled 5.7 trillion yuan at the end of 2010.


  Combining the 5.7 trillion yuan in non-LGFV debt with previous China Banking Regulatory Commission and People's Bank of China estimates on LGFV loans outstanding, we arrive at total local governmental debt ranging between 15.4 trillion yuan and 20.1 trillion yuan, or 40% to 50% of China's 2010 GDP.


  Important pieces of the local debt puzzle remain hidden, including local state-owned enterprise debt and the non-loan liabilities of LGFVs. Nevertheless, the recent government reports should be a wake-up call to Beijing that it urgently needs to address this issue.


  That hasn't happened yet. Even as government audits begin to reveal the true scale of the problem, local governments across China continue to finance new construction projects. Because the central government has not made clear whether anyone would bear any serious costs for allowing the debt to grow, local governments have every incentive to continue their leveraging.


  In the absence of any obvious costs, local officials race against each other to borrow even more to finance grand projects before they rotate to new positions next year, while banks, which depend on new loans to illiquid borrowers to prevent old loans from becoming nonperforming, continue to pour credit into LGFV borrowers.


  China has been here before. In the 1980s and 1990s, determined technocrats in the central government, including Chen Yun, Yao Yilin and Zhu Rongji, acted decisively to impose steep costs on both local governments and the banks. In a maneuver called “cutting with one stroke,” central government officials ordered banks to stop credit expansion to all but a handful of investment projects. To prevent local governments from borrowing from informal banks, thousands of such banks were shut down.


  Local officials saw promising projects turned into half-built skeletons, while banks saw spikes in nonperforming loans. As painful as “cutting with one stroke” was, it credibly showed local officials that they could no longer launch new projects without considering mounting debt. Banks also experienced the costly consequences of lending recklessly to local authorities.


  In essence, because financial institutions in a quasi-planned economy favored easy credit to state-owned borrowers, central technocrats periodically engineered credit crunches to remind everyone of the risks of too much leveraging in the system. Although somewhat awkward, it was very effective in controlling the size of leverage.


  Since China recognized a large pool of nonperforming loans in its banks in the late 1990s, however, we have not seen a sustained credit crunch engineered by the central government. In 2008, a credit crunch was in place until the global economic crisis led Beijing to release a deluge of credit into the economy. Local authorities rejoiced as banks lent out trillions in the space of a few months.


  The current debt level may be sustainable if the overall amount of debt stops growing. Yet, the latest estimates suggest that LGFV interest payments are at least 1 trillion yuan a year, and realistically more than 2 trillion yuan. Because most local governments run perennial deficits, they can only meet this payment by borrowing more from banks or investors or by imposing greater costs on households via land confiscation and fees.


  Despite this mounting problem as well as inflationary pressures, the central government has not signaled to local authorities that they must stop borrowing. New CBRC regulations only force local governments to work with banks to restructure their debt. The fact that the NAO uncovered nearly 5 trillion yuan in LGFV loans, which the local government directly or indirectly underwrote, suggests that local governments in many cases have not complied with CBRC regulations forbidding direct governmental guarantees of LGFV loans. Few if any local officials have been removed as a consequence of violating these rules.


  Even with some central bank efforts to restrict credit growth in recent months, central bankers are clearly under instruction not to cause any kind of credit crunch. When interbank rates rose too high in recent days, the central bank stopped issuing notes that would withdraw cash, so as to pump liquidity into the system. Banking regulators, which had issued a decree banning trust products based on loans to real estate developers, have not enforced this decree, leading to the rapid rise of products tied to real estate investment in recent months.


  At one point recently, credible rumors started circulating that Beijing was going to engineer a bailout of 2-3 trillion yuan for this local-government debt. This would have forced banks and the central government to share the costs of bailing out illiquid LGFVs. However, it turns out that Beijing did not have the resolve to carry out this limited plan. Worse, senior leaders have stated that money supply expansion has returned to its normal fast rate, signaling to banks and local governments alike that a new wave of credit expansion is at hand.


  Without any credible constraints against local borrowing, the local debt bubble will continue to grow, affecting an ever larger share of the economy. Meanwhile, debtors' ability to service debt continues to deteriorate because the same weak cash flow must cover the interest on a growing pile of debt. Although a credit crunch would be highly inconvenient before the 18th Party Congress next year, senior leaders in Beijing must find the resolve, as their predecessors had, to send a clear and costly signals to local officials that enough is enough.


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